Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ok guys why is no one posting on this? Gosh you would think everyone would care.

Here we are swimming all the kids are like fishes.
Lexie is just growning up so big and gibering. I can't believe she is 9 months already She is still a skinny one. She loves to attack her brother and sister and they love to play with her. She has two teeth on the bottom front and still waiting for the top ones.
This shows how big of ones we caught. Nick was loving it.
This is me and Lexie out fishing it sure looks sunny cause of the glare but I swear I think that is just the flash on the camera cause it was a cold day. We had so much fun and we just kept realling in the fish. Lexie Cried the first 45 minutes of it then slept for 4hours and when she woke up we left cause she was crying. I love it though only when you keep catching them and man they were big ones to like 18 inchers.
Kaitlyn man does she have her own personality she is very outgoing and can get along with anyone she is bossy to Kayd to much though but Kayd just takes it and follows her. That is something we are trying to change so Kayd can become his own person. Kaitlyn listens ok she to has her attitude and fits she is getting better though. I hope it is just the ages 3-4 so we still can have hope Kayd will snap out of it cause man Kaitlyn use to be uncontrollable too just like Kayd is now. Both of them are helpers though.
Kayd is such a handsome boy and lovable when he is good but can have a bad attitude. He can sure throw some fits too. I just can't believe he is almost 4 years old. Gosh they grow. It is always hard for me to send them to their dads house I hate it.
Gosh they are growing so fast. This was right before Kaitlyns performance.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Here is Cookies neck, after I kept smelling an odor coming from him, and I decided to give him a bath. As I was getting ready to get him wet I felt a huge clump of something on his neck. So I lifted his neck and as I was lifting it his neck almost hit his back leaving a HUGE gash cut in his neck. So I was panicing and crying as he is starting to not breath very well. So I called Kyle, and mom and dad and they all came telling me to just take him to the vet, because I called and made an appointment and they told me they couldn't see him for another 1 and 15 mins. So mom insisted that I just take him right in. So we got him in and the vet told us that he thinks that it was a molishous act and that someone tryed to kill him. Then the vet called after he got into surgery and said that it was a rubberband. And come to find out Konner put the rubberband on his neck because he invented a new type of dog leash. So anyways the doctor said that he didn't have 1 hour left to live because his juggler vain was showing and the rubberband was going to rub that next. So we are lucky that we didn't wait until our appointment time. So anyways he is doing ok, but we have to watch him 24/7. So that is the drama that has been going on around our house!